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Writer's pictureMegan Highsmith

Post Operative Recovery & What they Don’t Tell You!

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

We see the beautiful bodies and we know they had surgery but what about the healing process?

Cosmetic surgery is a billion dollar a day industry. Serving Clientele ranging from ages 18 through the mid 60s. Mothers, grandmothers, sons, fathers, athletes, entrepreneurs, stay at home caregivers and exotic dancers all have one thing in common. We age!

Cosmetic surgery used to be a luxury service priced for the elite. In recent years cosmetic surgery has become a lot more affordable for the average person. Welcoming the everyday human to take part. Being that it's not so taboo anymore seeing women or men bent over on a flight or carrying a bbl pillow in a restaurant may not cause the amount of stares or whispers it would have ten years ago. In 2020 there were 15.6 million documented cosmetic surgeries and the numbers continue to grow. You would think with so many women and men getting this form of invasive surgery there would be more known research and personal accounts on how to prepare you for what's in store after the surgery has been performed, what you may have thought was the apex of the experience.


So, you or someone you know decided to get lipo 360, a bbl and or a tummy tuck and the minimal requirements to even be considered serious are done. Such as

•doing your research and finding a good surgeon

•physical from local doctor

•booked flight

•coordinated help such as recovery home/ hotel and & nurse

What most don't tell you is that after you get off the table the real journey begins. Immediately after surgery its a 50/50 chance you may or may not look like the reference photo shown to your surgeon. That is partially due to the awful bruising on various parts of the body or the super swollen newly injected areas are "way bigger than what I asked for," I say in my two week post op voice. Surgery is a gamble. There is always a chance your surgeon did exactly what you are asking. 90 percent of the time that is take out as much fat the canula can handle and to put twice that back in the desired areas. But there is also a chance that your surgeon comes up short. Whether that is taking too little fat or putting too little back in.

In addition to the highs and lows of the first 48 hours the healing process can be daunting.

Recovery can last from 8 months to a year in most cases. Requiring constant attention to what you are eating, drinking, how you are compressing and expelling.

A key factor all in all after surgery is money.

Most consider the initial costs such as how much the surgery will be, flights there and back, the stay while in the state or country of choice and food for the duration of the stay. It is important to be aware post surgery carries its own financial stressors.

It is said to save 45% of what you spent on your surgery for after care expenses.

First and foremost after surgery your appetite changes. Initially, for most your body won't allow you to eat heavy or fried foods because processing would take too much energy from your compromised organs. To optimize on cosmetic surgery it is best to avoid foods heavy in salt and sugar, fried foods, sodas & alcoholic drinks. Generally shifting the lifestyle of most who participate in the surgery. Smoothies, teas, fruit juices, salads and light meals are best after medical procedures.

Post most cosmetic surgeries lymphatic and/or incisional draininge services are needed. Post operative massages are imperative for a speedy recovery. And quite frankly the right trained professional will be your magic carpet leading you to the healed side. Massage services are usually needed for the duration of your healing process. Investing $100-150 minimal per service.

Always remember, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

Aside from food, lifestyle shifts and massages the remaining portion of aftercare deals mostly with post operative inventory. Such as the correct garments (fajas, arm sleeves, chin sleeves etc.) to control the fluid build up that occurs as the body does its best to process the internal trauma. Fajas (a certain compression garment), arm sleeves and chin sleeves needed for post lipo range anywhere from $40-$250 each with good quality. Only areas lipo'd or tucked will need compression, this will vary per person and procedure. And let's be real we need more than one pair of panties, right? More than one compression garment for sanitary reasons is Necessary!

So with most things considered the question stands...

Am I prepared financially for after surgery?

Let's do an inventory check shall we?! Below are a few things that should be taken into consideration BEFORE surgery.

SAVE MONEY! - save %45 of surgery costs for after care expenses.

GROCERY SHOPPING - remove salty, sugary, dairy rich and fried foods from house and replace with fruits, veggies, greens and non dairy products to help with speedy recovery. Maintain for duration of healing.

MASSAGES - post operative massages helps with regulating fluid build up, inflammation and softens tissues as your body begins the healing process. They range from $100-$150 per session.

COMPRESSION GARMENTS - needed in every lipo and tummy tuck procedure. More than one is necessary. They range from $100-250 per garment.

EXTRA SUPPLIES - depending on the procedure

Lipo foams

Front/Back boards

Bbl pillow

Tummy tuck pillows*

Tummy Tuck Walker * Tummy Tuck Bedside commode*

Wound cleaning solutions

Gauze, bandages etc

Water retention pills *

Inflammation teas Comfortable loose fitting clothes for healing

Clothes for new body weight and style

These are just a few ideas of what is in store financially after surgery depending on the procedure. When prepared, the financial weight of after surgery won't seem so heavy.

It is enough to just heal. Not having enough money and having to forgo properly healing should never be an option.

Save your money, HONEY!

Below are a few products I find helpful for healing and comfortability after surgery.

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